The "necessary." Retreat, led by Zenja Glass

This online training program is based on my book, “necessary.” as a guide to walk you through a transformational journey. 

Watch the video below to learn more:
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In this powerful 12-week online "necessary." Retreat (based on the book "necessary." by Zenja Glass), you will learn how to apply Bible-based and mindset principles in every area of your life for personal and professional development. This retreat consists of the videobook "necessary.", weekly training videos and mindset exercises that are released every 7 days coordinating with the following four modules: Perception, Letting Go, Preparation, and Mastery! *Value ($497)

Learn powerful BIBLE-BASED and mindset principles. Discover who you really are, what are your God-given talents, and what holds you back.
Learn how to let go and RISE! It’s time to GET UNSTUCK and move beyond a caged mindset to embrace the NEW you in NEW wineskins!
No more delays or setbacks! This is the time to take MASSIVE action and finally pursue your God-given talents and unlock your dreams!
In what areas of your life do you lack mastery for personal and professional development? This session is very important to sustain your growth.


Recent Testimonials 

The "necessary." Retreat

$297 (One-Time Payment)

Maintain 6-Months Access


  • Apply Mindset and Bible-based principles for Personal and Professional Development.
  • Attend monthly "necessary." Retreat Review Live Meetup" with Zenja Glass and guests.
  • Access videobook "necessary." by Zenja Glass. (Book chapters are released every 7 days in the retreat coordinating with each course module). 

    *Note: If you would also like access to the Unlocking Greatness Community live workshop sessions for personal/entrepreneurial development, you will have the option to upgrade after you complete your purchase.


CLICK HERE to join for 3 payments of $99


Join Now for $297

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Disclaimer: Must be 18 years or older to participate. You are responsible for producing your own results. This training session is not intended to replace any services received from mental health care professionals and is not a substitute for any psychological, mental health, or medical, legal, financial or other professional advice. View our Terms & Conditions for additional information.

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