Pay What You Want. Minimum $5 USD

  • I acknowledge this book is intended for age 18 and older, and I am responsible for producing my own results, which are not guaranteed by Zenja Glass, Unlocking Greatness, Inc. (and its affiliates and successors). I also understand this audiobook/publication is written to give hope and inspiration to others. It is sold with the understanding that the author and publisher is not engaged in giving psychological, legal, nor financial, or other professional advice. The author disclaims any liability incurred from using or applying any information contained in this book. 
  • Any dispute arising from or relating to this Agreement shall be exclusively litigated in the State and Federal Courts of Illinois, Cook County, and each party consents to the jurisdiction of Illinois Courts.
  • I understand that refunds are not offered once this intangible e-service/digital product has been accessed.
  • I understand I will maintain access to this audiobook for a period of 6-months from date of purchase. 
  • I understand this book is copyright protected 2023 by Zenja Glass. I also understand no part of this audiobook/publication may be reproduced, sold, reposted, uploaded, recorded, or distributed in any manner, or in any form.

"necessary." Audiobook + Daily Inspirations by Zenja Glass


Pay What You Want!

The price for my audiobook is $27; however, I want everyone to have access to my book based on what you can afford. I thank you in advance for your generosity! 

Bonus: Includes 6-months of daily inspirational messages by Zenja Glass

What you'll get:

  • 6-months access to listen to audiobook "necessary." by Zenja Glass (24 chapters) 

  • Includes downloadable PDFs, which contain: ReflectionRecommended Reading, and the Assignment from each chapter.

  • 6-months access to Daily Inspirational audio messages by Zenja Glass (new audio recordings release each week)

Intended for age 18 years or older. No part of this audiobook may be reproduced, reposted, sold, uploaded or distributed in any manner. Copyright protected 2023 by Zenja Glass.