Upcoming Live Workshop Sessions

(Live workshop sessions are also recorded and saved for community members)

The “necessary.” Retreat Review- Week 4 (It's Time To Go HIGHER!)

Monday, August 5, 2024 12pm-1pm (CST) [Standard Plan Members] 

No more apologizing for going higher. In this session, we will discuss the danger in staying too low for too long, and what we must do to avoid internal and external opposition that tries to keep us from rising. This workshop is so important because it lays the foundation for making quantum leaps in life, as we strive to walk in our purpose.

Simplify It!

Wednesday, July 31, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  Let's Talk Business! [Premium Plan Members]

Let’s discuss the danger of complexity and the advantage of simplifying our products and services. It’s not as easy as you may think! We will examine proven methods from some of the top experts in the field to learn how to simplify and scale our businesses. This is a workshop you do not want to miss!

The “necessary.” Retreat Review- Week 4 (Letting Go!)

Monday, July 22, 2024 12pm-1pm (CST) [Standard Plan Members] 

This is a session no one should miss because we will discuss the “necessary.” Retreat (week 4) and learn the importance of letting go. Are you willing to pay the price of elevation by letting go of what is no longer needed for your next level… and what does that look like?

Do What’s Hard!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  Let's Talk Business! [Premium Plan Members]

This will be one of the most powerful workshop sessions we will have because we are going to roll up our sleeves and make decisions to put into action what we have been planning for many years. How do we stay consistent? How do we avoid procrastination? And how do we stay motivated to do what is hard until we succeed? Learn from some of the top industry experts as we explore why doing what is hard is necessary, and leave this session determined to scale and stay the course!

The “necessary.” Retreat Review- Week 3  (Do You Believe in the IMPOSSIBLE?) (Recording Saved)

Monday, July 8, 2024 12pm-1pm (CST) [Standard Plan Members] 

If greatness could speak to you, what are the words you would hear? Let’s discuss the “necessary.” retreat (week 3) and learn how to escape from a caged mindset and start dreaming what seems impossible to others. It is time we discuss what do we really want in life, do we truly believe it is possible, and what is our plan to get there?

Creating More Offers! (Recording Saved)

Wednesday, July 3, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  Let's Talk Business! [Premium Plan Members]

This will be a very exciting workshop because we are going to spend the entire time creating our offers for our products and services, including digital products for passive income. Come prepared with your current product offerings and learn how to turn them into more offers by changing the consumption.  

The "necessary." Retreat Review- Part 2 (Recording Saved)

Monday, June 24, 2024 12pm-1pm (CST) [Standard Plan Members] 

Let's take a deep dive into the "necessary." retreat to see how your journey is going. Let's discuss some of the victories, roadblocks, and spend some time discussing the course modules. If you have completed the retreat, please review lesson number 2 from module one. Come prepared to discuss this lesson because it lays the foundation for the entire retreat. We must know who we are before we move forward. 

How Are You Doing? + Business Coaching HOT Seat (Recording Saved)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  Let's Talk Business! [Premium Plan Members]

This will be an important session because Z. wants to make sure that you all are taking care of yourselves as you navigate the rough waters of running/starting your business. Make sure you join us so that you can receive some encouragement. We will have some Hot Seat coaching as well.

Taking BOLD Steps- Are You a DRIFTER or a NON-DRIFTER? (Recording Saved)

Monday, June 10, 2024 12pm-1pm (CST) [Standard Plan Members] 

Are you a drifter or a non-drifter? This will be one of the most powerful workshops sessions to date because we will discuss the importance of why we can NOT give in to fear or what we call "failure." In order to take BOLD STEPS, we must know this important information discussed in this session. 

Passive Income Update (Recording Saved)

Wednesday, June 5, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  Let's Talk Business! [Premium Plan Members]

Let's discuss passive streams of revenue. Let's discuss what products or services you have implemented or will be implementing to bring in continual, passive income into your business model. We will discuss automation, workflows, and passive income ideas for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs. This is a workshop you don't want to miss! 

The "necessary." Retreat Review (Recording Saved)

Monday, May 27, 2024 12pm-1pm (CST) [Standard Plan Members] 

Let's take a deep dive into the "necessary." retreat to see how your journey is going. Let's discuss some of the victories, roadblocks, and spend some time discussing the course modules. If you have completed the retreat, consider reviewing module one and coming prepared to discuss the lessons from this module because that lays the foundation for the entire retreat. We must know who we are before we move forward. 

When the Going Gets Tough... Breakthrough! (Special Guest Speakers) (Recording Saved)

Wednesday, May 22, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  Let's Talk Business! [Premium Plan Members]

We have two special guest speakers (Keith and Maria L.), who are the owners of very successful companies. They will be joining us to share some valuable tips for entrepreneurs who are experiencing ups and downs in business. This will be perhaps one of the most important workshops sessions for entrepreneurs who are tempted to give up, turn back or remain stuck when the going gets tough. Some members will have the opportunity to participate in hot seat coaching to get input on their websites, social media pages, business plans, etc.,  to breakthrough negative cycles of doubts, fears, and low productivity. It's time to breakthrough! 

Taking BOLD Steps!  (Recording Saved)

Monday, May 13, 2024 12pm-1pm (CST) [Standard Plan Members] 

You will not want to miss this live workshop session as we discuss our commitment to taking bold steps and implementing what God has told us to do. We will examine the power of making a decision and the importance of stepping out on the water. Every member should attend this important workshop because this is the day you will rewrite your declaration and take bold steps to move forward (if God has given you the green light).

What Are the Hidden Fault Lines That Destroy Businesses, and How Do We Rise Above Them… and Succeed? (Recording Saved)

Wednesday, May 8, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  Let's Talk Business! [Premium Plan Members]

Let’s discuss some of the hidden fault lines that destroy our business goals/dreams. How do we overcome these challenges and move forward into new territory in times of uncertainty? And how do we grow our businesses when we don’t know what is ahead?

We are Heirs of God! It's Time to Walk Like It!  (Recording Saved)

Monday, April 29, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  [Standard Plan Members]

It is so important that we know who we are because our identity impacts every decision we make in life. Let's go deeper into understanding who we are in Christ, and let's discuss what does that look like in our daily lives. When we truly know who we are, nothing will be able to hold us back from walking in the dominion and power God has given us.  

Let's Map/Re-Examine our Business Blueprints (Recording Saved)

Wednesday, April 24, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  Let's Talk Business! [Premium Plan Members]

We spent the last workshop session discussing biblical blueprints for our business models. Come prepared to write/re-examine and discuss your business blueprint. Now it’s time to create an action plan and implement the principles you have learned. If you missed the previous sessions, don’t worry, the recordings have been saved.

What Exactly Am I Supposed to Be Doing?- Part 2 (Recording Saved)

Monday, April 15, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  [Standard Plan Members]

We had such an incredible session, we decided to continue it. This week we are going to take a deeper dive into our last discussion concerning "What Exactly Am I Supposed to Be Doing?" If you attended the last session, please come prepared with your revised outline. This is considered as Part 2. 

Social Media Strategies (Recording Saved)

Wednesday, April 10, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  Let's Talk Business! [Premium Plan Members]

Let’s discuss your social media strategies to launch your platforms to the world. Let’s discuss what you are currently doing and learn ways to apply professional strategy tips AND Bible-based principles to grow your business. Note: If you would like to be considered to sit in the “hot seat“ and receive direct feedback during this live workshop, please submit your social media channel in the business chat area (located in side the Community “Business Chat” tab). This is going to be a very informative, fun session, and everyone should walk away with tips they can immediately implement.

What Exactly Am I Supposed to Be Doing?- Part 1 (Recording Saved) 

Monday, April 1, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  [Standard Plan Members]

Everyone, including business owners, entrepreneurs, and “dreamers“ should attend this important workshop session to discuss what exactly is it that God wants us to do? This is an answer we all must know so that we can move forward in the right direction.  We will conduct some exercises to explore how do we get rid of the confusion, and see clearly? It is my hope and prayer that this is the year God blesses your life and gives you clear vision in ways you have never imagined!  

Do You Know God’s Blueprint For Your Business… and Why It Matters? (Recording Saved)

Wednesday, March 27, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  Let's Talk Business! [Premium Plan Members]

This will be a very important workshop for every business owner, and for those who wish to start a business. We must have a blueprint. We must clearly understand what biblical pattern we are following as the blueprint for our business success. Many times, we have to go back to the drawing board and examine our blueprint , so that we can make sure we stay in alignment with God’s plan for our lives and businesses. 

The “necessary.” Retreat - Follow Up (Recording Saved)

Monday, March 18, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  [Standard Plan Members]

Let’s discuss the “necessary.“ Retreat. Let’s discuss where you are at on this journey, the challenges you may be facing, and what you hope to learn. For those who have not started the retreat, this is going to be a very informative workshop about what to expect on this 12-week transformational journey for personal and professional development.

This will be a live book reading and discussion exclusively available for community members. 

How to Become a Global Brand- Part 2 with God-First Principles (Recording Saved)

Wednesday, March 13, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  Let's Talk Business! [Premium Plan Members]

God must always be first in our lives... and in our businesses. Many of us are called to speak to nations and offer our products/services to nations... but how? How do we expand our reach? How do we grow our businesses? How do we apply God-first principles to our business models? And what exactly do we do to set up systems, automations, and structures to reach people all around the world? Come ready to learn... and grow!

Overcoming Fears and Insecurities (Recording Saved)

Monday, March 4, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  [Standard Plan Members]

Learn the importance of Bible meditation. This will be an incredible workshop session to sit still, participate in self-reflection questions, and learn how to reflect on your heart as you examine Biblical passages. We pray this will help you overcome your fears and be empowered when you face spiritual battles.  May you always remember how valuable you are in the sight of God! I highly recommend all members attend this session with our guest speaker and author, Virginia Lefler.

*Guest Speaker: Virginia Lefler, author of “Bible Meditation & Mindfulness” and “Spiritual Discovery” will be conducting this workshop session along with Zenja Glass.

How to Start Recurring Revenue for My Business Model? (Recording Saved)

Wednesday, February 28, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  Let's Talk Business! [Premium Plan Members]

It is very important to have a consistent stream of income. Let's discuss subscription-based, passive, and recurring revenue models for your products and/or services... regardless of your industry. All new and experienced entrepreneurs are welcomed. By the grace of God, I pray this workshop greatly inspires you to grow your business.

No More Negotiations! (Recording Saved)

Monday, February 19, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  [Standard Plan Members]

We will no longer negotiate with ourselves by allowing our circumstances and/or past failures to determine our results! Let's discuss how to make firm decisions, develop healthy boundaries, and walk in MASTERY as we strive to take better care of our body, mind, and soul. By the grace of God, this is the year we will thrive!

How to Become a Global Brand... and Why It Matters? (Recording Saved)

Wednesday, February 14, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  Let's Talk Business! [Premium Plan Members]

This live workshop will cover the importance of positioning yourself as a global brand, how to get started, what does the bible teach us about global reach, and why it is important for almost every business, regardless of the product/service. Every entrepreneur should attend this important live session. 

Are You Ready for a BETTER Year? (Recording Saved)

Monday, February 5, 2024  12pm-1pm (CST)  [Standard Plan Members]

Mindset is everything! You can't keep doing the same thing each year and expect different results. During this live workshop, we will focus on taking strategic steps to keep you in alignment with your vision for 2024. It's time to get serious about having a sustained strategic prayer life, adjusting our mindset to overcome obstacles, and implementing new strategies to WALK IN MASTERY!

Enough is Enough! It Is Time to Walk in MASTERY! (Recording Saved)

Monday, January 29, 2024 12pm-1pm (CST) Let's Talk Business! [Premium Plan Members]

This will be a powerful entrepreneurial workshop session as we come together to discuss how we can scale and grow our businesses in 2024. Let's take massive action by applying God-first principles, and learn how to start walking in MASTERY!  *Note: Moving forward, the Let's Talk Business sessions will be conducted bi-weekly on Wednesdays.

*Meeting schedules and topics are subject to change.