Unlocking Greatness with Zenja Glass

Rediscover who you are, and accomplish your personal & entrepreneurial goals by applying Bible-based and mindset principles.

There comes a point in life when things must change. You will know when that time has arrived.

Start your transformational journey today for personal and entrepreneurial development! 

Get Started


Begin Your Transformation Journey Today: 

"necessary." by Zenja Glass
A transformational book that teaches how to grow through adversity and thrive, regardless of circumstances.
The "necessary." Retreat 

An online retreat based on the book "necessary." to learn Bible-based and mindset principles for personal development.

 Community + LIVE Workshops
Exclusive community + live training workshops with Zenja Glass, community members, and guest speakers.
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We are heirs of God (Romans 8:17). Now it's time to walk like it!

It's time to gain CLARITY and pursue your personal and entrepreneurial dreams.

*Watch this video before you begin your free training with Zenja Glass.
Join FREE Training


I am Zenja Glass

I am the author of “necessary.”, a transformational book that has helped people all over the world to learn how to grow from dark places and THRIVE in life, despite their circumstances!

My podcast, Unlocking Greatness Podcast with Zenja Glass, streams worldwide with nearly a million followers (including social media subscribers).

I am also a business owner, and a mentor with a focus on Bible-based and mindset principles for personal and professional development. My primary goal is to help people overcome obstacles and achieve superior results in every area of their lives by seeking God first. 

It is my prayer that you pursue your God-given talents so that you can honor God, and be a blessing to your family (and others) for generations to come!

Much love,


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